Thursday 15 August 2013

Bee's Skin and Hair

Bee <3

Hey Everyone! I just wanted to do a post simply on the background of my hair and skin. Everyone has different problem areas and skin types and need to use many different products. Dee and i have extremely different skin and hair and we wanted to highlight our differences for you!
I have a love hate relationship with my hair. Some days i would love to just shave it off, and others i feel blessed with my curly locks! My texture is unique and sometimes very annoying. I have what people refer to as "beach hair". its not curly, and its much more than wavy. The strands them selves are very thin and break easily, but i have a lot of hair on my head.
this show some of my natural texture.
its also just a sweet picture. 
My hair about a year ago was down to my bellybutton and a medium dark blonde. And i loved it. Today my hair is cut to just below my collar bone. It was a huge change that i never thought i would do, but i love it so much. Change is good! and hair grows back!  
Oh my... my skin. this is my problem area. I have had acne and super oily skin since i was a teenager. Its something i have to work with every day. It doesn't get too dry, but because of some of the acids in acne products, my skin does get that "tight" feeling every once in a while. I have just recently started using a new skin care routine that i am absolutely in love with. The majority of the products i use on my face are for oily or combination skin. Without these products my makeup wouldn't stay put for ten minutes. But i manage and have been loving my skin lately :)

Hair care routine and Skin care routine coming soon

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